What Google Wants from Your Content - Hive Digital (2024)

When it comes to the foundation of your digital marketing efforts, content has emerged as a key element in shaping your online visibility. Whether you’re working on organic presence or Paid Search campaigns, both rely on driving someone to content that they’ll actually want to see. Since Google is the biggest player on the block, they play a significant role in influencing how businesses and marketing teams approach their content creation process. Having an understanding of what Google wants from your content can help improve your website’s visibility and ultimately help drive more qualified traffic.

So What is Google Looking for in Content?

The Short Answer… Quality Content

Despite the frequent updates to Google’s algorithm, the underlying principle guiding these changes remains constant: create compelling, high-quality content. Google’s ultimate aim is to offer its users the most relevant and valuable information in response to their search queries. This focus on a user’s experience is reflected in the various updates over the years to their ranking algorithm, which favors content that is comprehensive, accurate, and engaging. That sounds easy enough, but what exactly is “high-quality content”? Here’s where things can get nuanced. Back in the old days of SEO many people thought quality content simply meant jamming in a bunch of exact keywords (that had high search volume) into a giant wall of text would get the attention of the search crawlers and rank high. And for many it did… for a while. But as people tried to game the system with things like strategic keyword placement and keyword density, Google started making the algorithm pay closer attention and then they started to provide more details about what they were looking for.

Why is Content So Important for SEO?

If you build it, they will come. (I know, I know. The line from the movie is “he will come”). These days, creating content is not just about integrating keywords or employing advanced SEO tactics. It is about doing research about your target audience to understand their needs, interests, and pain points and crafting content that genuinely appeals to and provides value for them. Remember, Google’s main goal is to satisfy its users, and so, if your content is satisfying to your users, it’s a win-win scenario, and also a win for your readers. Maintaining this primary focus is a key aspect of staying in line with Google’s algorithm updates and achieving sustainable, long-term success in organic search rankings.

Building Topical Authority and Trust

  • Establishing Authority: Regularly publishing high-quality content can help establish your brand as an authority in your field.
  • Fostering Trust: Providing reliable, informative content can foster trust among your audience, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.

Relevance is Key To Creating Content

  • Relevance: Google aims to provide users with the most relevant results based on their search queries. Therefore, it’s vital that your content closely aligns with the keywords and phrases your target audience is using.
  • Quality: High-quality content is another major factor Google considers when ranking pages. Content that is well-researched, accurate, and provides value to readers can help establish your site’s credibility.

Understanding User Intent for Better Content

  • Google’s Assessment: Google’s algorithms are designed to understand the intent behind users’ search queries, whether they’re looking for information, seeking to make a purchase, or exploring a specific website.
  • Aligning Content: To rank well, your content should not only include relevant keywords but also meet the expectations of the user based on their search intent.

Just Write for Humans: Natural Language Processing

  • Google’s Ability: Google uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to better understand the context and meaning of words in a sentence, improving its ability to match user queries with relevant content.
  • Impact on Content Creation: This means your content should be written in a natural, engaging manner. Keyword stuffing is discouraged, and content should be created with readability and user engagement in mind.

What Google Wants from Your Content?

Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T)

Google prioritizes content that demonstrates high levels of Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, collectively known as E-A-T. These factors are particularly important for websites that provide health, financial, or legal information.

  1. Experience: Google assesses the practical experience of the content creator. For instance, user-generated content like reviews and testimonials can add credibility to a website.
  2. Expertise: Google favors content created by subject matter experts. Evidence of expertise can be formal education, professional experience, or recognition by peers.
  3. Authoritativeness: This refers to the credibility of the website publishing the content. Websites can bolster their authority by featuring expert opinions, providing accurate and current information, and obtaining backlinks from other reputable sites.
  4. Trustworthiness: Google gauges this by the transparency of the website. This can be demonstrated by clearly displaying contact information, explaining the site’s purpose, showcasing positive user reviews, and ensuring secure connections.

Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) Standards

Google has stringent standards for content that could affect a person’s future happiness, health, financial stability, or safety – designated as “Your Money or Your Life” (YMYL) pages. These pages require high levels of E-A-T as they could significantly impact a person’s life. For example, pages offering medical, legal, or financial advice; news articles on important topics; and pages for purchasing products or services are all considered YMYL. Google expects YMYL pages to be created by experts in the field and to be regularly updated to ensure the information remains accurate and current.

Don’t Forget About Readability and the User’s Experience

Proper formatting is not just an SEO best practice; it also enhances readability, making content more engaging and easier for readers to follow. Google prefers content that is easy to read and navigate because their research indicates that’s what human readers prefer. A positive user experience can significantly affect your site’s SEO performance. This involves using headers, bullet points, and short paragraphs, making sure your site loads quickly, and is mobile-friendly.

  • Headers: Headers (H1, H2, etc.) help to structure your content and make it easy to navigate. They act like signposts that guide readers through your text, giving them an idea of what each section or paragraph is about. For SEO, headers help search engines understand the content of your page.
  • Bullet lists: Bullet lists break down information into easily digestible chunks, making it easier for readers to scan your content and absorb key points. From an SEO perspective, lists may increase your chances of appearing in Google’s featured snippets.
  • Schema markup: Schema (structured data) helps search engines understand the context and relevance of your content, potentially enhancing your visibility in search results. For users, schema can lead to the generation of rich snippets (like star ratings or event times) in search results, providing valuable information at a glance.
  • Images and multimedia: Images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements can make your content more engaging and visually appealing. They can also help explain complex ideas in a simpler way. From an SEO point of view, correctly tagged and described multimedia can drive traffic through image search and improve overall page ranking.
  • Short paragraphs and white space: Breaking your text into short paragraphs makes it easier on the eyes and improves readability. Similarly, using white space strategically can reduce clutter and make your content more appealing.

Remember, a giant wall of text is a surefire way to drive someone away from your content. While these formatting tools can help enhance both user experience and SEO, the core of your content should always revolve around providing value to your readers which in turn helps improve the level of user engagement and retention.

  • Engaging Content: Quality content can engage users, keep them on your site longer, and encourage them to take desired actions.

Google’s Stance on AI-generated content

First let’s address the elephant, or rather the Terminator in the room… AI. While Google doesn’t specifically penalize AI-generated content, like all content, it must meet Google’s guidelines for quality and relevance.

Overview of AI-generated content

These days, AI tools are evolving at a rapid pace, and can be utilized to help generate content that sounds like it was written by a human. But the most important thing to remember is that while these tools can string words together very effectively, they don’t have the capacity to truly understand context or accuracy.

Best Practices for Optimizing AI-generated Content for SEO

AI-generated content should be reviewed and edited to ensure it meets the same standards as any other content on your site. So if you’re using AI tools to assist with anything from planning to final draft, it’s essential to have a process where that content is reviewed by actual humans to ensure it is accurate, relevant, and valuable to your potential readers.

Which Content is Most Searched on Google?

The better question to ask when it comes to content strategy isn’t just about what content is most searched on Google, but rather, how are people searching for content that relates to your business? Understanding user search behavior and emerging trends is key to crafting content that meets user needs and drives traffic to your site.

Understanding User Intent

User intent refers to the goal a user has in mind when typing a query into a search engine. In the world of SEO, this means understanding what users are really looking for when they perform a search related to your business or industry. It’s not enough to simply identify popular keywords; you need to dive deep to comprehend the underlying intent. Are users looking for information (informational intent), a specific website (navigational intent), or are they prepared to purchase (transactional intent)?

Identifying Search Trends

Identifying trends in search behavior can provide valuable insights into how and what potential customers are searching and can guide your content strategy. Google Trends is a valuable tool for this purpose. It allows you to see what topics are trending, what keywords are gaining popularity, and how search volume for certain terms change over time. By asking better questions and understanding user intent and search trends, you can tailor your content to better meet the needs of your audience, increase your visibility on search engines, and ultimately, drive more traffic to your site. Remember, SEO is not just a numbers game; it’s about connecting with your audience in meaningful ways.

  • Identifying Trends: Use tools like Google Trends, Keyword Planner, Ahrefs or SEMrush to identify popular search queries and topics in your industry.
  • Discovering Topics: Use social listening and competitor analysis to discover niche-relevant topics and themes that your audience is interested in.
  • Tailoring Content: Create content that meets the demand for these topics, providing valuable information that users are actively seeking.
  • Catering to Audiences: For niche industries, creating content that addresses specific questions or topics relevant to your audience can help improve your visibility in SERPs.

Create a Process to Create Content

In the end, the ask is simple – Google wants high-quality, relevant content that aligns with user intent, provides a good user experience, and establishes E-A-T. But effective content creation works best when you’ve put together a process and methodology to find alignment in what your website offers and what your target audience is looking for. Whether it’s AI-generated or written by human content creators, keeping these principles in mind can help improve your SEO performance. So, let’s align our content with Google’s expectations and create a better experience for everyone.

What Google Wants from Your Content - Hive Digital (2024)


What Google Wants from Your Content - Hive Digital? ›

Create a Process to Create Content

What is Google looking for in content? ›

Google's core ranking systems look to reward content that provides a good page experience. Site owners seeking to be successful with our systems should not focus on only one or two aspects of page experience. Instead, check if you're providing an overall great page experience across many aspects.

How does the Google search engine work? ›

The Google Search index contains hundreds of billions of web pages and is well over 100,000,000 gigabytes in size. It's like the index in the back of a book – with an entry for every word seen on every web page that we index. When we index a web page, we add it to the entries for all of the words that it contains.

What aspect of digital does Google represent in MCQ? ›

Search tool Optimization (SEO): Google is the best search tool in the world. Digital marketers tweak websites and content to get them to rank higher in Google's search results.

What is your definition of search engine optimization (SEO)? ›

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of creating and optimizing relevant, authoritative content in a way that helps visitors (and search engine crawlers) find answers to their key questions.

What does Google want from your content? ›

Relevance is Key To Creating Content

Quality: High-quality content is another major factor Google considers when ranking pages. Content that is well-researched, accurate, and provides value to readers can help establish your site's credibility.

What type of content does Google like? ›

Lots of Lists – People love lists and Google loves the unique content that lists contain. Lists are also simple to create and can focus on any topic that would interest your audience. For inspiration, search Google to find lists produced by others in the industry or by trusted media outlets. 3.

How many times has my name been googled? ›

Wondering how many times your name has been Googled? Unfortunately, there's no way to find out: Google Search, like other search engines, doesn't disclose .

How does Google Search track you? ›

So how does Google collect data, exactly? They use various web tracking technologies — such as IP address tracking, cookies, and others used in the ad tracking industry — to collect data and learn more about you. IP address tracking is a technique Google uses to help identify your location.

What information does Google Search engine collect? ›

Examples. This includes information like your usage data and preferences, Gmail messages, G+ profile, photos, videos, browsing history, map searches, docs, or other Google-hosted content. Our automated systems analyze this information as it is sent and received and when it is stored.

How does Google determine quality content? ›

Instead, Google looks at the page as a whole to determine content quality, looking at aspects such as:
  1. Images.
  2. Load speed.
  3. Site structure.
  4. Design.
Dec 5, 2023

What data does Google perceive? ›

By clicking a link from a Google account's settings page, users can see what Google thinks it knows about them. Google predicts users' age, gender, marital status, income, and personal interests.

What is Google in digital marketing? ›

The products in Google Marketing Platform work together so you can plan, buy, measure, and optimize digital media and customer experiences in one place.

How to rank higher on Google? ›

  1. Step #1: Improve Your On-Site SEO. ...
  2. Step #2: Add LSI Keywords To Your Page. ...
  3. Step #3: Monitor Your Technical SEO. ...
  4. Step #4: Match Your Content to Search Intent. ...
  5. Step #5: Reduce Your Bounce Rate. ...
  6. Step #6: Find Even More Keywords to Target. ...
  7. Step #7: Publish Insanely High-Quality Content. ...
  8. Step #8: Build Backlinks to Your Site.
May 15, 2024

What is the most common goal of search engine optimisation? ›

The primary purpose of SEO is to get higher rankings on search engines which in turn creates a larger target audience. To quickly get an idea of what the challenge is in SEO, just type a search term into Google. Enter it without quotes because that is the way most users perform searches.

How do I get my website to the top of Google? ›

How to Get My Website to the First Page of Google Results? 13 Tips that Actually Work
  1. Research keywords users are searching. ...
  2. Create engaging and attractive content. ...
  3. Optimize your website for mobile searches. ...
  4. Make your content locally relevant. ...
  5. Optimize your Google Business profile. ...
  6. Get and respond to customer reviews.
Sep 11, 2023

What is Google's main goal when it comes to content? ›

Google's mission is to organise the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. That's why Search makes it easy to discover a broad range of information from a wide variety of sources.

What does Google consider helpful content? ›

Helpful content satisfies user curiosity and provides value. It's original and not curated from other sources. Unhelpful content regurgitates information that already exists.

What does Google Search look for? ›

Beyond looking at keywords, our systems also analyze if content is relevant to a query in other ways. We also use aggregated and anonymized interaction data to assess whether search results are relevant to queries. We transform that data into signals that help our machine-learned systems better estimate relevance.

What does Google consider quality content? ›

It's really the quality of your overall website. And that includes everything from the layout to the design. Like, how you have things presented on your pages, how you integrate images, how you work with speed, all of those factors they kind of come into play there.”

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.