Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (2024)


104 16018

Weak Hero Class 1

Based on a popular webtoon by the same name, a top-ranking student looks weak and meek, but uses his wit, smarts, and psychology to fight back against the violence in his school.

Genre: action, drama, youth


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Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

by solstices

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (1)

We’re no strangers to seeing school violence portrayed in K-dramas, but Wavve’s Weak Hero Class 1 takes it a step further by having the victim fight back — and quite viciously, at that. Our quiet protagonist may be a man of few words, but that doesn’t mean he’s an easy target.

Editor’s note: Coverage will continue with a Drama Hangout for the series drop if there is sufficient interest.


Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (2)

Right off the bat, we’re introduced to Byeoksan High’s star student YEON SHI-EUN (Park Ji-hoon), whose stoic demeanor belies a tumultuous tempest within. As the class reviews their answers on a test, he slams his fist down on his desk, effectively silencing them all.

Everyone freezes at this uncharacteristic display, watching in shock as Shi-eun stalks down the aisle, grabs a book off a desk, and swings it at a classmate’s face.

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (3) Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (4)

Rewind to thirteen days ago. Shi-eun is the definition of the model student, answering problem sums with ease and revising his study material even while he’s eating. We soon see why he’s so laser-focused on his studies — his absent mom is an academic lecturer. Shi-eun watches her videos to study, and I get a sinking feeling that he sees her onscreen more often than he does in real life.

In class, Shi-eun receives the gold prize for a math competition, which he accepts without much emotion or fanfare. Meanwhile, fellow classmate JEON YOUNG-BIN (Kim Soo-gyeom) gets the bronze prize — clearly ruffling his feathers and adding fuel to the fire that is his inferiority complex.

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (5) Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (6)

Young-bin’s ego is bigger than his brain, which means this incident kickstarts a series of bullying against Shi-eun. Young-bin and his cronies may be high school students, but they’ve already begun mixing with the wrong crowd. Not only do they indulge in drinking parties at a club, but Young-bin also obtains drugs from his older cousin JEON SEOK-DAE (Shin Seung-ho).

At school, Shi-eun silently tolerates the bullying — which ranges from getting a shoe thrown at him, having his gym uniform stolen, to being strangled in the locker room. It’s clear in Shi-eun’s unflinching gaze that he’s no doormat, but he simply allows himself to be treated like a pushover because he’d rather not fight back.

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (7)

The same can’t be said for AHN SOO-HO (Choi Hyun-wook), whose fists fly faster than his words. He loves his daytime naps more than anything else, but when the egotistical baseball team wakes him up to confront him about supposedly hitting on a girl he doesn’t even remember, Soo-ho’s quick to counter their punches and put them in their place.

Outside of school, Soo-ho works a delivery job, which takes him to Shi-eun’s apartment (turns out Soo-ho got the address wrong, LOL). Since he’s already there, Soo-ho makes himself right at home, depositing himself in Shi-eun’s hallway and asking for some water. Shi-eun’s dumbfounded expression in the face of Soo-ho’s audacity is absolutely hilarious, and I’m already looking forward to more of this mismatched dynamic.

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (8)

Last but not least, we get introduced to the final member of our main trio — the bespectacled and meek OH BUM-SEOK (Hong Kyung). He’s just transferred to Byeoksan High in order to escape his previous school, where he was bullied badly.

Needless to say, he quickly becomes Young-bin’s newfound target. Since the only way to get under Shi-eun’s skin is by messing with his studies, Young-bin uses his knowledge of Bum-seok’s past to coerce him into sticking a Fentanyl patch onto the back of Shi-eun’s neck. It’s a painkiller that will dull Shi-eun’s mind and even induce vomiting, effectively ruining any chance of him scoring well.

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (9)

With no other choice, Bum-seok does Young-bin’s bidding, causing Shi-eun to stumble out of the class halfway through the mock exam. He can barely stay upright, staggering and swaying the entire way to the washroom.

By the time Shi-eun returns, he’s numb and dazed, having realized about the patch on his neck. Peeling it off, he starts slapping himself repeatedly, not stopping even when the teacher cries out in concern and the whole class looks on in shock. It’s a heartbreaking scene — it looks like Shi-eun’s doing it to wake himself up from the drug’s effects, but it also feels like he’s punishing himself for messing up the exam.

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (10)

After the exam, the students go through their answers, and Shi-eun’s frustration builds with every question that he gets wrong. Eventually, he can’t take it anymore, and he slams his fist down on his table — taking us back to the scene that opened the episode.

Without an ounce of hesitation, Shi-eun bashes a book into Young-bin’s face and stabs a pen straight through his crony’s hand. Then he wraps the curtain around Young-bin’s head, and hits him till his blood stains the fabric. As Young-bin collapses to the floor, face bruised and bloody, Shi-eun reminds him: “I asked you to stop.”

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (11) Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (12)

Whoa. It’s one thing to suspect that Shi-eun has the capacity for such violence, and quite another entirely to actually witness it in action. It’s terrifyingly brutal, and the way his eyes go blank is downright chilling.

What’s even more frightening is that Shi-eun doesn’t seem to be able to stop once his switch has been flipped. He moves to step on Young-bin’s battered face, but Soo-ho intervenes, shoving him back and lightly telling him not to cross the line. Shi-eun doesn’t take kindly to Soo-ho’s playful demeanor, and he grabs a chair and charges towards him.

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (13)

The episode ends there, and I’m left reeling. It’s nowhere near as gory or brutal as some of the fare we’ve seen in recent years, but there’s something raw and desperate about the violence here that has my stomach churning. Shi-eun is a sympathetic character, but it’s clear we haven’t seen all there is to him, and that makes him a loose cannon that’s equal parts intriguing and terrifying.

Meanwhile, Soo-ho and Bum-seok are instantly likable characters, and I’m already looking forward to seeing how the three team up. Soo-ho’s lackadaisical attitude is highly amusing, but he seems to be hiding a mature mind beneath that devil-may-care smile. And of course, I’ve already developed a soft spot for timid Bum-seok, who just wants to avoid a repeat of his previous trauma. Together, our three main leads may just be the support system that each of them needs.

Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (14)


  • Premiere Watch: Reborn Rich, Please Send a Fan Letter, Somebody, Weak Hero Class 1
  • Park Ji-hoon fights back against bullies in Weak Hero Class 1
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  • At a Distance, Spring Is Green: Episode 1

Tags: Choi Hyun-wook, first episodes, First Impressions, Hong Kyung, Park Ji-hoon, Shin Seung-ho, Weak Hero Class 1


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Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (16)

1 Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️ Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (17)

November 19, 2022 at 10:23 PM


@solstices, thank you for the weecap. Wow, sounds like they went all in on bringing the webtoon to life. I tried to read it but it was pure violence and swearing for a quite a few episodes so I dropped it before I got to the bit where we have the backstory to the friendships or the reason for the adoption of the best form of defence is attack. I don’t think I will be able to handle the violence in the drama either if that’s the bulk of the episodes. I will see if there is enough interest to generate the weecaps that will help me to decide whether to watch and fast forward through the violence.

We have been commenting on the number of lawyer dramas recently but school bullying dramas seems to be increasing now too.



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2 jerrykuvira

November 20, 2022 at 12:21 AM


This is truly different with the victim fighting back and one-upping his abuser and I find it gratifying. However, there's only much I can take as per the violence.




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Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (20)

Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️ Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (21)

November 20, 2022 at 12:31 AM


That’s why I was eager to read the webtoon as I liked the idea of playing them at their own game as they could show any number of outcomes the bullies show they are actually weak and rely on intimidation to appear powerful so once challenged move on to another victim, or this could lead to all bully victims in the school signing up to the mixed martial arts class that the hero attends and start to fight back so bullying ends in the school and the fight back approach becomes part of a new movement or it would lead to an escalation to show that when using violence nobody wins.




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November 20, 2022 at 1:18 AM


Comment was deleted



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November 20, 2022 at 1:22 AM


Wow! It could go south when there's not control system.

it would lead to an escalation to show that when using violence nobody wins.
If the narrative goes this way, they better proffer a solution. I do not want to see an open ended ending or monologue. If violence implies nobody wins, then the narrative has better admonish the authorities in place to never be passive bystanders or passerby, or even bully encouragers. I don't know which one irks me more, the teacher who eggs the bully on or the one who was supposed to interfere but choose to pretend like it never happened.



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November 20, 2022 at 4:30 AM


I hope you did not finish the webtoon and whatever you mentioned isn't a spoiler 😅😅




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Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (26)

Reply1988 -❣️Mother Bean❣️ Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (27)

November 20, 2022 at 5:33 AM


No I gave up about three episodes in and this is me wondering aloud about what the potential message could be.



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November 21, 2022 at 2:04 PM


The drama is more of a prequel to the WEBTOON so it doesn’t affect much



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owl 🦉 🫰

November 20, 2022 at 9:08 PM


I agree, the violence is hard to watch. And what about the unsupervised classroom where serious fighting happens? There is a middle school nearby that I pass often. I see groups of kids and I see loners way off on the sidelines. It is such an uncertain time in life and I worry about bullying and broken kids, gah! Cyber bullying too. It is a seriously concerning issue.



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Weak Hero Class 1: Episode 1 (First Impressions) (30)

scorpion era

November 21, 2022 at 9:06 AM


recommend me something like this please?



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November 21, 2022 at 9:14 AM


King of Pigs.


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3 mysterious

November 20, 2022 at 12:49 AM


That was one intense opening episode. It was obvious that there was more to Shi-eun than meets the eye; you could see something seething just beneath the surface. But the way it manifested was intense. Even the other students were flinching during the beating at the end. I don't think anyone knew that Shi-eun had that side to him. My question is: now that he's crossed over to the other side, can he come back from it?
And I already love Soo-ho. His laid-back attitude is so opposite to Shi-eun. I look forward to seeing more of their interactions.



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4 emsel

November 20, 2022 at 4:27 AM


I liked the 1st episode minus the violence. I enjoyed the interaction between Si eun and Soo Ho and I hope Shin Seung-ho's role is crucial to the plot than as a drug peddler.



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5 Britney

November 20, 2022 at 6:03 AM


Since this was a short drama, it's only 8 episodes and I think the longest episode is like 45 minutes, I kinda hope this will be covered in the hangout.
Mainly because I would like to talk about it haha

I would love to see other perspectives on it rather than just my initial reaction especially because I can't tell if I was influenced by my knowledge of the webtoon or whether it's the drama itself I'm reacting to.




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December 16, 2022 at 9:28 AM


I just finished the drama and I would love to discuss it. How do I find it in the hangout?



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December 16, 2022 at 4:14 PM


I guess enough people weren't interested because it's not a hangout for it.
I want to talk about it too.

Maybe talk about it on the open thread or you can tag the dramabeans folks @dbstaff
(I think this is how you tag them)




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December 16, 2022 at 4:17 PM


Correction it's @db-staff



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December 17, 2022 at 3:12 PM


Can we start one, or does the staff have to start it? I just don't want to post spoilers in the review post for the first episode.



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December 17, 2022 at 3:48 PM


That's considerate of you.
I think only the @db-staff can make the hangouts.

Maybe you can discuss it on the 'what we're watching' page and tag @solstices (since they wrote that weecap).
Open thread page might still be an option.
I hope you find somewhere to put your thoughts on the show because I'm interested in what you thought about it.



January 4, 2023 at 3:53 PM


@toomuchtv @britney Sorry for the late reply, but there's an open discussion space if you scroll up and then switch from the Recap tab to the Discussion tab!




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January 5, 2023 at 7:12 AM


Thank you! I left a comment there, but it looks like the spoiler tag did not work. 😩



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6 Britney

November 20, 2022 at 6:51 AM


@solstices I didn't even consider him slapping himself as part punishment to himself.

I didn't even know fentanyl patches were a thing until seeing it on here.

I like the casting. The guy who plays our lead character does a good job at being all stoic and reserved. I also like Soo Ho and his mix of maturity and casualness. Oh Bum Seok, it's really sad seeing how sometimes no matter what you do, you can't escape your past and it will be used against you.

In my head I understand characters have inferiority complexes but as I'm watching, all I think is how frustrating this is. How hard would it be to just leave people alone?! I think Shin Eun had told them once or twice to just stop there but no, they had to escalate.



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